In church a few weeks ago, we heard a great message however I am saddened by the statistic that 95% of Christians will NOT share the gospel with even 1 person in their lifetime. We need to change that. We are commanded by God to share the Gospel with everyone. It doesn't matter who we are or what our background is, we are supposed to share the good news. I feel that America is in such bad shape right now because we have abandoned our obligations as Christians. We need to bring God back into our country to solve our problems. To put it simply, God will NOT bless America while we are turning away from Him and trying to get Him out of our lives. This country was born on Christian principles and as long as God was allowed in the law making (moral laws), schools and in most American's lives; this country prospered. Since separation of church and state, removing God from our schools, government, and our lives, this country has been going downhill. It will continue to go downhill until we Christians take a stand and do what God has commanded of us.
Some of us are true Christians and some of us straddle the fence. There are even some people that do not believe at all. This blog is for everyone. A great reminder to those of you who know and some good news for those of you who don't.
1.) We have all sinned. We are all unworthy of God's grace. No matter how many good deeds you do, it will NOT buy your way into heaven. Even 1 teeny tiny sin completely separates us from God. We all sin on a daily basis. Even some sins that we may not realize is a sin because it's "culturally acceptable" separates us entirely from God.
2.) The result of sin (even 1 teeny tiny sin) is death. Not just physical death, but spiritual death. We will be separated from God for eternity.
3.) Good news!!! Jesus is God in the flesh. He lived as a human and led a completely perfect life. He was brutally beaten and nailed to a cross to die for our sins. Each and every one of them. Past, present, and future. He took on Him every sin that everyone had committed and will commit in their lifetime.
4.) Because Jesus did this amazing thing for us, He is our mediator with God, The Father. He will speak on our behalf to the Father and we will be forgiven for our sins. God's grace and forgiveness is a gift because He loves us. Not because we are worthy or because we earn it... He will give us His grace and forgiveness if we believe in His Son and if we KNOW His Son. We can NOT earn God's grace. It's given to us freely, if we believe in and have a personal relationship with Jesus.
If you want to be saved, please keep reading...
I want to personally invite you to ask me any questions you may have. I am not an expert, however I will help you in any way possible.
If you are a Christian, I have 3 challenges for you. 1.) share the gospel with at least 1 person this week. 2.) Ask your Christian friends and family to share it with 1 person as well. Let's start a revival! 3.) When you confess of your sins to God, you also need to repent of your sins. We say a lot of I'm sorry's and please forgive me's, however we typically don't repent and turn from our sins.
If you want to receive Christ as your savior, all you need to do is believe in and pray this simple prayer and you WILL be saved.
Father, I know I am a sinner, unworthy of your grace and separated from you; I want to turn away from my sins and live according to your will. I know you sent your Son, Jesus to live a perfect life and to die on the cross for my sins, then you raised Him from the dead 3 days later. I know Jesus is alive and hears my prayers. I know I can not earn your grace, it is a gift from you because you love me. I want Jesus to be my King, my savior for the rest of my life. Please send me the Holy Spirit to live in my heart and lead me according to your will. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.